Sunday, June 20, 2004

This weekend, on Saturday and today, Sunday, I took a motorcycle training course (which I have to take in order to get my liscense). It went from 6:45 - 11:30am! It was super hard to get up that early!! The classes were challenging and I could just keep up considering some people in it had been riding for years already! Then today, we had our test and I could've sworn that I flunked it because I felt like I did a lot of things wrong, but I ended up passing! Whoo hoo! I still need more practice on a stick shift bike, but good enough for now and I will be riding my mom's little scooter somewhat during the summer... Maybe in a couple years I can step up to my very own bike.. (My parents hate that idea) We'll see, I'll take things slow... =)

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Yesterday, June 18, was my dad's birthday... We had a HUGE party for him that my mom, sister, and I have been planning for many months! My dad loves to get dressed up and (more importantly) see women dressed up, so we made it a black tie event for 120 of his closest friends! And they trully are all very close to him, it was hard to even limit it to that number! People responded soo well and flew in from all over the country and some cancelled their vacations in order to come to it. Anyway, it was also a surprise, and even though my mom wasn't very sneaky about it, he was still very surprised and happy to see people from all parts of his life... Everyone looked gorgeous (especially myself, I must say)... I act as hostess and greeted everyone. I was shocked to realize that I knew all but a few people. They, of course told many embarrassing stories about me, and I won't go into detail... Other than a few expected small glitches, it ran pretty smoothly. I was busy running around try to make everything go right the whole time, so I didn't take any pictures! Lame on my part! I shoulda taken at least one group shot of the family. Oh well.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Today was my sister, Ginny's 27th birthday! She decided that she wanted to go to a Moroccan restaurant with belly dancing! We sat on the floor around a table and ate everything with our hands! It took a little getting used to - you are supposed to pick up some pretty mushy stuff and stuff it in your mouth without dropping it all over the table and your lap. The dancing was amazing! I learned a few things: 1. Against American culture, the voluptuous women were more sexy and their dancing was more sensual. The women with flat stomachs just didn't look right... They couldn't shake and roll and gyrate as much. 2. Although they weren't washerboard bellies, it takes a LOT of work and muscles to do the moves they do for soo long! What a workout! 3. No matter how much training or fat on my bones, I don't think it would ever be possible for my body/my hips to move in that way!

PS. I coulda killed myself when I realized I left my camera at home.. If I had brought it, you would see belly dancers, my sister and mom trying to dance, and a 2 year old boy with amazing rhythm! =( Use your imaginations...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


Dormcest (dôrm'sest)

n : A relationship between persons who live in the same dormitory.

While living in the dorms, it is highly discouraged to practice dormcest. The consequences of an unsuccessful relationship are evident; they are forced to deal with the awkwardness of seeing the ex around the halls, or even sharing the same bathroom. On our September move-in day, Morison began with 3 couples. By Halloween, 3 more couples had started (myself included). And then one more started during Winter quarter, making it 7 total couples in our building! To my knowledge all but one are still together (one couple is currently "on a break"). We find it pretty amazing that our relationships have endured the dreaded "dormcest". Now, we'll all have to face the difficulties of long-distance relationships during the summer months. Here's to all of us: Ryan, Nicole, Chris M, Lauren, Johnny, Nina, Allison, Cyril, Patrick, Jaqui, Harlan, Wendy, Chris W, and I!!