Thursday, April 03, 2003

Caution: Do Not Enter

A big role of cautiontape will go a long way! I decided to just cover my RA's door with it, like I was boarding it up. So, I start taping these peices to her door and I get about 3 up, when all of a sudden, she opens the door! I'm frozen, with holding a strip of tape up with this "Uh Oh" look on my face. She bends her head to look underneath one of the strips and asks, "What are you doing?" "Uhhhh..." I say. She leave and I go about my bussiness, like nothing happened. I finish and watch from afar (my room) until she comes back. When she does, she's shocked. Her friend pushed her through it. That's always the best part, knocking down the sand castle after you've built it! =) It woulda been better if she hadn't caught me halfway through. I am determined to do it again to someone else, of course aiming for a more successful run. So watch out, it may be you. And if you see it on someone else's door, then you know who was responsible! =)

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