Waaay too drunk last night. I hid the alcohol from myself so well that I couldn't find it the next day. I took 3 showers and played pass the beer. Lupe and I traded off between Pepsi and Millers to kill it. Kelly got trashed finally, yay! I stole Lupe's fish, broke my 2nd Hustler Shot glass, and I remember falling in the hallway and twisting my ankle.
DanCrench (2:54:17 AM): I'm the ugly guy who sobers you up
Nvisibility (2:54:52 AM): You sober me up, but not ugly. My ankle hurt too much for you to be sober
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Sunday, May 25, 2003
Frazzled Frenzy
Just got back from the last fashion show. This one was in the ghettooo of West Oakland at a warehouse. There was no stage direction and I almost fell, and each model had to work their way through the crowd. On top of that, the cute guy from the last show was there. eep! And my sister, since she doesn't know how to do anything else with hair, always decides to make mine into a total rat's nest! There was a toy helicopter, which looked like it crashed into my hair and then made my hair explode around it! Oh geez! Oh well...
Friday, May 23, 2003
Hiding in the Night
Last night, Wil, Sarah, Jennie and I went on a night hike with our RA's. Past the Music Center, we gazed at stars and when Rachel and Jack went to explore further, we hid from them on the paved bike path. Jennie almost got hit by a bike, even though we warned her. Rachel told us about this event at the very beginning of the year at Stanford. It's called like Make Out on the Quad or something. All the freshman apparently come out on the quad and the goal is to make out with as many people as possible. Some end up meeting some really cool people that they hang out with for the rest of the year. To me, it sounds like someone who had Herpes and was mad at the world decided to make it up to spread germs. Disgusting. Then we had our midnight picnic with Subs on the foggy field. I snuck away and laid down on the track to stare at the stars. It wasn't long before Jennie wondered aloud where I was and people started looking (with swinging sticks) in the nearby bushes. I almost got run over by a runner, then we went home. Sarah reported it to be "one of the best times [she's] had in a long time!" Good for you. I finished up the night by doing Lupe's homework. =(
Thursday, May 22, 2003
College Nine
Yesterday, I spent 6 1/2 hours at College Nine with Jason, my scene partner for acting class. It was fun 'cuz I barely know him, but anyway, we went to dinner first. It was the last college night of the year. The scanner lady wouldn't let me in, tho, because I'm not a college 9 student, so we had to beg her and finally she said OK, if we didn't tell anyone. The food was good. It was European style. There was like pasta and stuff like that. The first act was a fencing display where the chick kicked the guy's ass. No competition. The 2nd was a "European" band called the Eligible Bachelors. Their instruments were a violin, spoons, a washerboard, and a banjo. They seemed more like redneck hick music to me. This girl that looks like Natalie Portman (or at least that's what Kunal says) was into it, 'cuz she was from West Virginia. Anyway, we stole the rose vases, because they make perfect HUGE shot glasses (about 4 shots for each glass). Anyway, then we went back to the dorm to work on our project, while we actually just talked with some of his friends, watched anime porn, threw his H2O Polo ball out his 5th story window, and talked about how girls "adjusting" themselves on the street is hot. I walked back to at 11:30 in a tank top.. =( Brrr
Monday, May 19, 2003
Formal and my drunpkn weekend
Lupe's sorority formal was on Friday. While we're getting ready in the room, these guys knock on our door and talk to Lupe. They live in the two rooms right next to us! She is of course extra nice to them. Then she leaves. 5 min later, they knock again and I answer. They say, "You're hairdressers are here." I'm like, "Uhhh.. No that's ok, we're good." They keep talking to me and keep trying to get in the door, while I keep trying to say goodbye and close the door. I get distracted by a phone call and ignore them and then close the door saying maybe we'll come over later to drink or smoke or whatever, just to get them away. We go to Denny's in our fancy dresses for dinner and when we come back, there's cop cars surrounding the building. We go up to our floor and there are about 10 cops ouside our room! The whole hall reeks of weed and we go in our room. Sarah and I go talk to one of the cops. Turns out that the brothas didn't pay their bill, so the hotel called a cop on their ass. When the cop came, he discovered that they were trafficing drugs out of this hotel room, so they called for back-up and the narcotics squad. The only reason the policeman told me this is because he, too went to UCSC (Merrill).. =( Meanwhile, Kelly and Henry come with the Alcohol, so I change out of my dress, get my backpack and we march past the cops and the cop cars, get the alcohol and sneak it passed them, without them even knowing! All in all, we went to about 20 min of the dance and danced completely with each other, (except for Kelly, who had her boyfriend, and except for me, who somehow got pushed into a guy that was pointing at us). He asked my name, college, building and room number. I was like No, sorry, no room number, I don't know you. On Saturday, I went to a play that said "Dude" a lot. During intermission, I called to Jennie, "Dude!" She leaughed. I said, "No, seriously, Dude.... that guy over their in the white shirt, is that the guy I danced with last night?" Sho nuff, it was, and he was the lighting director for the play I was watching. We only glanced at each other once, like Hmm... You look familiar... Anyway, Saturday, I started drinking at cocktail hour with some people upstairs. Good margarita! Then I played drinking games with some other people and I got drunk again, but this time, WAY more than the night before... Now, everyone owes everyone money. To find out if you owe anything, come see me. I got a tally sheet of who owes who, what. =)
PS For those of you who didn't get drunk on Saturday: You're time will come. No more only getting tipsy crap! Let's all follow Athena's example and drink 7 or 8 or 9 shots! I mean hey, being able to feel your hands is overrated!
PS For those of you who didn't get drunk on Saturday: You're time will come. No more only getting tipsy crap! Let's all follow Athena's example and drink 7 or 8 or 9 shots! I mean hey, being able to feel your hands is overrated!
Thursday, May 15, 2003
Reloaded Reviewed
Matrix Reloaded. Was I the only one who thought it was a piece of crap? Maybe it was because I had a massive headache and Jennie was screaming in my ear the whole time. Naw. Housing issues made me stressed out, so my head was about to explode. But not explode like the chick in the pink dress that ate the "Better-Than-Sex-Chocolate-Cheese-Cake"! What the fuck? To me, it was just another over-computer animated stupid action movie. One big commercial for Sunglasses, Black trenchcoats, Audi's, and little asian men with keys. The music was awful and and I don't see a point to a lot of the sexual scenes other than to suck into the traditional hollywood cliche. The plot was, well, nonexistant and they introduced new characters all the way up until the end! =( I'm not even gonna mention the fact that they compared Neo to Superman and the Creator to Col. Sanders! Sorry to anyone who actually liked it. Kate gives it 3 thumbs down...
Neo: "I wish I could..." Me: "I wish you could act!"
Neo: "I wish I could..." Me: "I wish you could act!"
Monday, May 12, 2003
My sister, Ginny and I took mom to the “Captain’s Cottage” for tea and breakfast as a mother’s day present. The place was so cluttered with tacky like fake lace crap and mismatched teacups and all sorts of weird shit on the walls. It was like walking into a grandmother's house, where your grandma is senial and collects everything, but still leaves the price tag on them, (in case you want to buy it off her). We drank tea and for a nontalkative family, we actually talked a lot. Given, it was more nagging than talking, but same difference. At some point, this weird old lady with a potbelly came out in a like traditional maid's uniform, a frilly apron and weird like frilly hat to match. She hobbled around serving tea or something. We started laughing so hard. Tears were pouring from our eyes, we were laughing so hard. We got served tea and little sandwiches and cakes and the sort. Another old lady in a maid outfit came out and told us some story about how this ship sailed with the captain (of the cottage's namesake) and everyone in town went down to see them off and brought their instruments and had to put their chello or bass on a rock, and so started the first Rock band and they called themselves the Rolling Stones. Har Dee Har Har. I think we were supposed to laugh, but we didn't think it was funny, so she didn't tell us anymore jokes. She did pinch my cheek when we paid the bill, tho. How old am I? 5?!?Then mom wanted to pick weeds in Ginny’s yard. I don't know why she likes to pick weeds. It's a chore, but somehow it's like stress-relieving for her. Sure, mom, getting down in the dirt to scrape your hands on thorns and get stung by nettle, sounds relaxing to me! It took her forever to leave ‘cuz she was weed-whacking. We found 3 hypodermic needles in Ginny’s front lawn. =( That’s not good at all. Oh yeah, that neighborhood is really comin up! That's West Oakland for ya, I guess! =( Later, we drove past a place on Telegraph and my mom points to it and goes: “That place makes the best éclairs.” We both look at the name of the place and it says, “Éclair Bakery” Haha. Ok, thanks for being obvious, mom!
Friday, May 09, 2003
Dante's Inferno Test
Ok, so I've known since I was 5 that I was going to hell. I just didn't know I was this evil! The sad part is: I answered this all as truthful as possible! =( Try and get a worse score, I dare ya!
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Extreme |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Extreme |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very High |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Thursday, May 08, 2003
I'll trade you Park Place for your Ouija
Last night, I went to the Cowell Coffee Shop and played Monopoly for a few hours. I got behind from the start and only got to buy like 4 places! (Four Crappy Places, like Baltic Ave). Anyway, but then I got Free Parking and had lots of money so I made some good deals and bought property off of people. =) At midnight, we made a Ouija board and lit some candles and had a seance (or whatever) in the lounge. Nothing happened. So we set it up in my room. Then it started moving! It spelled out: VEVE2...BU2..B2CL0DG..KLOBON...3PEPK etc etc etc. So, we didn't really get anything from it, but apparently it was in my closet the whole time. Yeah, you try sleeping with spirits in your closet! =( Oh well.. We still didn't answer the age old question: Was someone just pushing it? I definately wasn't. Jennie says she wasn't, which leaves Lupe, who denies it as well.. Hmmm... One of us is lying! We'll ask the spirits tomorrow to spell the name of the liar. (Most likely, we'll get something like: WN3PK)
Saturday, May 03, 2003
Lupe talked me into a dance, so we got drunk and went. I don't like to dance, but since I was drunk, I danced anyway. I have no idea if I had any rhythm or not, but whatever. I met a girl named Sasha who wore all leopard print, even her underwear, which she showed us. She made some nasty comment about Lupe's shirt and we came back home. Hugged Brian and Kyle goodbye and wished them luck since Jillian was going to the hot tubs, too. I think I pissed some people off and wrote some letters to other people and IMed some random people and talked on the phone to others and tried to learn how to play Spades and tried to make an arch in Arch Rival, but there were missing pieces and the instructions were for another game. I ran down the stairs to let some people in the building. Kelly was like, "Oh god, please don't fall!" I didn't fall, so I ran back up and on the last set of stairs I tripped, but caught myself. The girls in my hall got punked. ALL of our stuff off our bulliten board was gone and they left a sign that said, "U've been punked!!" It was funny, but now I want my stuff back.
Friday, May 02, 2003
Last night Dan gets a brilliant idea to go to the midnight screening of X2. So, we get down there and wait in line. Dan pays for me because I have $4.95 in my account! (Note to self: I owe Dan $12). We're waiting in line and I see some guy walking down the street. I say, "Hey Dan, isn't that guy in AEPi?" (hence the sweatshirt) Dan looks and tells me that it's my favorite AEPi guy! Oh geez. Dan calls him over, to which I just happily sip my chai because Sarah is hoggin the conversation with Psychology class talk. Oh well. In the theater, I see Valentine, my sister's friend, so I go up and say high. The movie was good, especially with Dan's comments about Iceman: "Chill Out!" "Give him the cold shoulder." Then we took a taxi home and Jennie admits to thinking Sir Ian McKellen is sexy...
I'm depressed. Athena's posts are funnier... =(
I'm depressed. Athena's posts are funnier... =(
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