Sometimes I feel really bad for the cleaning lady of our building. Our bathroom is by far the worst college dorm bathroom I have ever seen. Let's just take the stalls for instance. There is always pee on the seat, and sometimes on the even got as far as the toilet paper dispenser once. (How do you do that?) Additionally, there is usually pee in the toilet, unflushed, sometimes with a log or two floating around. The floor is sticky with god knows what! And I'm not just blaming it on the guys lack of aim. The girls seems to miss the little silver box designated for "feminine products", so there is sometimes red on the lid of the box. Gross! The biggest problem, however is the pee everywhere, so to help the boys out, my hallmate, Jessica created a lovely, colorful sign: 
Then, Ryan wrote out the "real" steps for how men should pee:

This morning, there was a response to Ryan's note:

I'll spare you of pictures of the actual toilets, 'cuz no one needs to see that kind of thing... I think, now we're gonna have to have a boys stall and a girls stall....
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