Monday, April 26, 2004

More Bathroom Problems

More bathroom problems. Ok, so the signs with intructions on how to piss properly got torn down. Maybe they helped. Maybe they didn't. But all I know is that during the weekend, when the cleaning lady doesn't come for 2 days, this is the result:

Now, honestly, this is like our home for 9 months, so how would you like to walk into your personal bathroom and find the toilet not flushed and dried pee all over the seat?!?! Luckily there is another stall which might have less pee in/on it. I wonder if these guys do this at home? I feel sorry for their mom's or whoever cleans their bathroom. Frankly, I feel terrible for the cleaning lady in our building, who comes to work on Monday and finds she has to touch this! Only 1.5 more months with these pigs...

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