I don't understand where my mom gets all her energy. And this is not necessarily a compliment. It's healthy to have an abundant amount of energy, but my mom never stops. When she does actually stop moving, she falls asleep within 10 minutes. She's on the go, all the time. She's on the go from about 5am to 10pm everyday. She hardly even stops to eat. Most of the time, she just scarfs it down, while getting ready for her next move. Is this the definition of workaholic, or just crazy? We have this tradition that we stop, hold hands and take a breath before dinner (no praying or anything just one deep breath), because it is good for you to relax for a second right before you eat, I don't really know. Anyway, sometimes she talks straight through it and I have to remind her to breathe, then she breathes really fast and continues her sentence. When I was little, my famous phrase for her was "Stop and smell the roses." She moves so fast that she never even notices any flowers, much less smells them! I, of course am the exact opposite. I believe in taking a huge whiff and savoring the sweet scent. My mom says I do this not because I enjoy it, but because I know that one day the roses will inevitably be taken away. I don't know about this, but I do know that on my deathbed, I will be remembering their sweetness, not saying "What roses?" My grandparents are in town. My mom thinks they are bored to tears, so she sets them to work weeding and other manual labors. My grandpa ends up knocking himself out completing these chores. I think my mom should realize that relaxation does not equal boredom. I myself am always put to work on my vacations to run various errands that she can't seem to get done. Her problem is that she takes on the work of about 3 people, but in the end, she cannot do it all herself, so she must delegate it out and fill her days always trying to catch up. But, maybe she just likes to feel needed.
Post-Edit: This is neither the definition of workaholic nor just crazy. My sister has recently been informed of Hypomania, which sounds exactly like my mother, and is related to mental illnesses that run on that side of my family.
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