The kid sitting next to me was about 13, a future programmer, who made little programs on his calculator the whole time. He was with his parents, and was very unhappy. He sat there looking down the whole time, plugging his ears!!! How can you plug your ears to CCR?!?! My mom said it must've taken an immense amount of self control not to move your
body!! Poor kid.. I asked what kind of music he liked and his dad said he can play a mean Beethoven and Lord of the Rings! Haha!
On my other side, was my mom slowly falling back into her hippy days (scary!). She said CCR was one of her favorite bands when she was my age. She waved peace signs and tried to dance to the rhythm (embarrassing). Halfway through, she said to me, "I smell a skunk." She was referring to the couple behind us who were the stealthiest pot-smokers I've ever seen! I was staring straight at them and could barely even tell they were smoking "dope" as my mom likes to call it. Haha!
The funniest thing there was a guy about 10 seats down the row, who danced and sang the whole time. He was just SOOO into it. It's one of the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life! And I got it on video! If you know me, have me send it to you, but I had to take the downloadable version off because I was running out of room.. Here's an action picture of him, if you don't check out the funny video:
I also took a picture of one of the security gaurds who looks like that guy in Office Space! (ignore the tattoo) Too bad he's not face-on, 'cuz he really looked like him! haha
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