Dan's picture of Pacific Ave:
Athena and my first drinks.. Midori Sours.. Yea, Star Sapphire rings! =)
The first of MANY pictures like this...
One of the NUMEROUS pictures that Dan took of himself...
Athena and Dan...
Athena and Me...
Dan and Me...
A cute one of the three of us..
Ok, you get the picture. Just imagine 156 simlar pictures sitting in a folder on my computer.. Except in half of them, I'm trying to be funny and making some weird face. It was a fun night. Walking back to my place, we met this guy who was a Girl Scout Camp Counselor (he even had the sweatshirt on!).. He was apparently supposed to meet up with some people from the camp who were going to pick him up, but he was so drunk that he couldn't even remember what bar he called them from (Dakota from the stamp on his hand). I'm pretty sure he got fired.
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