Joanna and Allison in front of the famous sun...
Joanna on Ice!
So alike! Appropriately named Peter2 and Peter1 (Allison also pictured)
Note: Their facial expressions are *great*, if enlarged (click on picture)
On the lift: Allison and Joanna
Ok, so where's the criticism? I needed to establish that picture first. Now, for the facts:
1. The girls are 10 years old.
2. My mom reserved seperate rooms (ie. twins in one, parents in another, directly across the hall from one another)
3. Lisa (Twin's mom) was afraid the girls would feel uncomfortable sleeping in seperate rooms from the parents, and wanted us to change the reservations so that they could all share one room with two beds. We couldn't change the reservations. =(
4. The night of their arrival, Lisa slept with (guess who? her favorite!) Joanna, and Allison shared a room with her father.
5. At dinner (in the hotel), the children had to be escorted to the bathroom by their parents. I'll give you one guess as to which parent went with which kid (if you need help, read #4)
6. Now for my final fact: On the chair lift, the kids got to ride seperate from their parents.
Now for my Commentary! (Numbers correspond with numbers listed above)
1. This is old enough to get some independence.
2. It was cheaper to get the rooms this way.
3. They are 10 years old! And there are two of them! They should be able to handle some nights alone, right across the hall from their parents. As Chris stated, "What do they do at home?! Do they all sleep in the same room!?" (The answer of course is no)
4. Rediculous!
5. Again, 10 years old! They can't go to the bathroom on their own!? I guess it's a hotel and they don't know their way around, but still! If I were their mom, I'd be like "Go try to find it, and if you can't, then come back and I'll help you find it." It's a very safe hotel and I swear the bathroom was RIGHT down the hall.
6. This seems extremeley inconsistant to me. For such a protective mother, I would think chair lifts were more dangerous than a night across the hall, and a bathroom! I mean really! If you are horsing around on a chairlift and you fall off, it gets serious really fast! But frankly, I was being shoved on an airplane alone at 6 or 7, so gimme a break! They can handle it, if given the extra leeway. The sad part about all of it is: They've grown up thinking they can't, so they are just as paranoid as their protective mother, and quite dependant on her for the "needed" support.
I guess families are just different, but this one seems a little extreme. Side Note: Their bat mitzvah is already planned! Jan 2009!!!!! 2009! That's 3 years away! Most people don't even plan weddings that far in advance!
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