Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And there it goes.

The 4th and final leg of my table has been kicked out from under me. Pillars of support all crumbled to the ground with mighty blows. First my relationship, then my sister (family), next I was forced to move (housing), and now I am victim to the economical statistics of our time (lost my job). I brace myself for the fall, the massive thud as a granite slab hits the earth. But... I open my eyes and peek out at the world. Could it be? I'm still standing, impossible as it seems. Finish me off, I think. There must not be much left. A weak, beaten arm teetering and struggling to hold me afloat.

1 comment:

Kelly Ng said...

Kate, I'm sorry to hear about your job! That sucks so much. Love you!