Friday, December 31, 2004

New Years Eve.

20 years ago, 1984: I was one year old, barely walking or talking, innocent in just about every way...

15 years ago, 1989: I was six. The Loma Prieta earthquake happened, my aunt got into a car accident that put her into a head brace and she almost died, my other aunt almost died giving birth to my cousin all in the same month. What an unlucky/lucky year...

13 years ago, 1991: My house had just burned down with my grandmother, and my life changed from innocence and naivete.

10 years ago, 1994: I was eleven and thought I knew the world, ready to tackle anything. My brother got married, (I think)... Yea, I thought I was cool, but I was really the biggest geek on the planet..

5 years ago, 1999: The big Y2K scare! That seems like just yesterday! We were about to enter a new millinium! How exciting! I was 16 and rockin in my cute convertible! How fun!

2 years ago, 2002: Graduated high school and started college, how scary and exciting...

1 year ago, 2003: Just barely in a relationship with Chris, came down to meet his friends and family for the first time... That seems like a long time ago, though, now.. haha, much more than just a year...

a month ago, November '04: Turned 21!!! Whoo.. I guess theses are the best times of my life, gotta live 'em up!

2 years from now, 2006: Graduate college and start the real world, with what? I have no idea. What a scary thought.

5 years from now, 2009: I'll be 26! Yikes! What on earth will I be doing?! How many adventures/tragedies will I go through? Sometimes I envy those of you who know exactly where you'll live and who you'll love and what you'll be doing in 5 years!!

20 years from now, 2024: I'll be 41!!! Oh my god! Ok, this is getting really scary, now, I'm gonna stop.

Saturday, December 25, 2004


On Christmas eve, we were discussing a clay piece my sister made when she was very young... We thought it might have burned up, but weren't sure. Santa found it and put it in her stocking this morning... It's Cotton Candy and she used to lick it:

*photo missing*

My mom got in her stocking a.... ummm... a quite *phallic* salami. She couldn't figure out why Santa would put a salami in her stocking... My dad said, "Well, maybe he thought you would like it!" Ok, Dad!

*photo missing*

And what else would be in my dad's stocking, but a little bottle of JD!

*photo missing*

Here's my mom trying on a sweater she got from my dad. The color looks really good on her.

My mom's dog, Tyson even got dressed up for the holiday!

And here's a nice picture that my mom made my sister and I do so she could have something for her New Years Letter (she doesn't do xmas letters like everyone else, she does it for New Years, instead, I don't know why)

Yay! Sorry these pictures are all really bad of people, but I didn't want to spend the whole time taking and retaking pictures, so I only took one, then put down the camera so I could enjoy the festivities.. Then we ate brunch and that was about it... Now it's off to a friend/neighbor's for christmas dinner. I'm already tired.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

On this day, the 19th of December, 2004, Mr. Peter Scott & Mrs. Teresa Ferguson are invited to join George Zimmer and friends for dinner and dancing at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco... George Zimmer, from The Men's Warehouse, is one of my dad's clients.

Here are Peter and Teresa ready to go out on their big date!

Don't they just make such a cute couple?!?

Oh! And one more, 'cuz we're just sooo proud of them!

Awww, ok, off you two go! Have fun, but not too much fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Just say no!

God, didn't you hate it when parents were like this about Prom?! It was a relief if you even made it to the car!

Monday, December 13, 2004

I'm never letting my parents pick out the Christmas tree again! Look what they got:

Let's start from the top: The most important thing is the star. IT'S CROOKED! And there's no limb that sticks straight up for it, either!

2. What the heck is that gap about 3/4 of the way up?!?!

3. This picture makes it look good, but when you look at it in person, it's not Christmas tree shaped!! It looks more straight down than triangle or whatever... But it looks okay here...

4. They put it on top of soo many boxes that it looks funny. If you want a taller Christmas tree, get a taller one! Our ceiling is about 13 feet high, so we have room for a taller one..

Oh well. I wired the star straight, and we decorated it, so the gap doesn't really show, but this is one of the saddest, most embarrassing trees I've ever seen! =(