New Years Eve.
20 years ago, 1984: I was one year old, barely walking or talking, innocent in just about every way...
15 years ago, 1989: I was six. The Loma Prieta earthquake happened, my aunt got into a car accident that put her into a head brace and she almost died, my other aunt almost died giving birth to my cousin all in the same month. What an unlucky/lucky year...
13 years ago, 1991: My house had just burned down with my grandmother, and my life changed from innocence and naivete.
10 years ago, 1994: I was eleven and thought I knew the world, ready to tackle anything. My brother got married, (I think)... Yea, I thought I was cool, but I was really the biggest geek on the planet..
5 years ago, 1999: The big Y2K scare! That seems like just yesterday! We were about to enter a new millinium! How exciting! I was 16 and rockin in my cute convertible! How fun!
2 years ago, 2002: Graduated high school and started college, how scary and exciting...
1 year ago, 2003: Just barely in a relationship with Chris, came down to meet his friends and family for the first time... That seems like a long time ago, though, now.. haha, much more than just a year...
a month ago, November '04: Turned 21!!! Whoo.. I guess theses are the best times of my life, gotta live 'em up!
2 years from now, 2006: Graduate college and start the real world, with what? I have no idea. What a scary thought.
5 years from now, 2009: I'll be 26! Yikes! What on earth will I be doing?! How many adventures/tragedies will I go through? Sometimes I envy those of you who know exactly where you'll live and who you'll love and what you'll be doing in 5 years!!
20 years from now, 2024: I'll be 41!!! Oh my god! Ok, this is getting really scary, now, I'm gonna stop.
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