Saturday, December 25, 2004


On Christmas eve, we were discussing a clay piece my sister made when she was very young... We thought it might have burned up, but weren't sure. Santa found it and put it in her stocking this morning... It's Cotton Candy and she used to lick it:

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My mom got in her stocking a.... ummm... a quite *phallic* salami. She couldn't figure out why Santa would put a salami in her stocking... My dad said, "Well, maybe he thought you would like it!" Ok, Dad!

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And what else would be in my dad's stocking, but a little bottle of JD!

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Here's my mom trying on a sweater she got from my dad. The color looks really good on her.

My mom's dog, Tyson even got dressed up for the holiday!

And here's a nice picture that my mom made my sister and I do so she could have something for her New Years Letter (she doesn't do xmas letters like everyone else, she does it for New Years, instead, I don't know why)

Yay! Sorry these pictures are all really bad of people, but I didn't want to spend the whole time taking and retaking pictures, so I only took one, then put down the camera so I could enjoy the festivities.. Then we ate brunch and that was about it... Now it's off to a friend/neighbor's for christmas dinner. I'm already tired.

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