Sunday, June 01, 2003

"Matrix Style"

Enough playing around with Dan. From now on, no more running and fighting and "flirting" (hehe j/k). I hid his glasses in my bra (sorry Dan, forgot to tell you that part. hehe), until I got to my room and then put them with his jacket, then ran to hide my keys in Christine's closet. I was going to go back out in the hall, but the door came flying open, only to be stopped by my fragile foot. I fell to the ground clasping my foot as Christine huddled over me. I heard Dan's heavy footsteps run up as well. I decided to walk it off, so I left and headed to the lounge, but people suggested I go to the shower, so I did. I saw Dan trying impossibly to make himself blend in with the wall on the way. The water ran red with blood, then I decided to put my foot in the sink, which was actually more uncomfortable than the shower, but that way more people could crowd around me, I guess. I'm proud of myself that I didn't cry at all! =) We woke up Jenni from downstairs and she took care of it all. I remember Kelly and Jennie (from upstairs) running around with big, bug-eyes all panicked. I thought for a while that it was broken, but then I realized I could bend it. Haha. Dan didn't appear in the bathroom, even tho his cool friend did. Sarah said I shoulda made Dan carry me around. Damn, why didn't I think of that! =( So, I hobbled around doing laundry for the rest of the night and put ice on it until around 4:30. Thank goodness I did, 'cuz today, it feels just like new! Like a brand new greenish-blue toe! =D

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