Monday, September 01, 2003

Lost, Never Found

In three days, I'm going to Havasu (a beautiful offshoot of the grandcanyon with many gorgeous waterfalls). The last time I went there, was my Senior year Spring Break. I went alone and met some really nice people in the canyon! I still talk to a couple of the people that I met! One guy that I met gave me his number and I promised to call him when I got out of the canyon, but as I was leaving the campgrounds, I reached into my back pocket for the tiny bright green slip of paper, but it was gone! I felt like the kid in The Polar Express when he reaches into his robe to show the silver sleigh bell and all he finds is a hole! =( But, there was no turning back, I just hoped that it had fallen out amongst the stuff in my backpack. And now, a year and a half later, I'm still looking for it! Every once in a while, I get a new flood of determination and a new idea of where it might be! 'It's in the bottom of the sleeping bag! It must be! I know exactly how it fell out and got there! And it's still there, despite other people having used it since!' So I race into the camping gear and dig through all the pockets. When it's not in the place I swore it was a moment earlier, I start looking through the other pockets, the places I've checked thousands of times already. Maybe one day I'll come across it, call him and see if he remembers me!

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