Wednesday, September 17, 2003

My last days of work

My coworker, Angela, is from Columbia. She is really nice and, again difficult to understand at times. Usually I get confused, she gets embarrassed, conversation halts and then an hour later, I figure out what she means and conversation continues... Today, she was talking to me about computers and asked if I knew about "escunkula and beetles". An hour later, I still don't know what the hell she's talking about. Finally, she explains a little more and I realize by beetles, she means bugs, like computer viruses and I still couldn't figure out "escunkula" until 5 min ago, when I realized her virus detection program is expired. Anyway, so, she invited me to her house for dinner. I went. She and her husband and her 4 year old daughter, named Maria del Mar, live in a tiny like one-room studio. It was very sweet! =) I don't know what my point is. I guess like usual, I don't have one hehe.

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