Monday, June 13, 2005


I went to Las Vegas for Chris's belated birthday celebration this past weekend. We went with his mom, dad, sister, Ian (his sister's friend), and Chris's friends Tony, Jon and Blair!

Yess! We're here!!

Probably the most exciting thing about Vegas is you can drink on the street! Yess, Tony! (Also, find me in the background looking like a dork)

Here's some of us... Me, Chris, Terry, Tony, Blair and Jon.

Me, Chris, Jon and Blair at dinner...

And the other half: Jim, Terry, Sharyl and Ian

We walked to the Wynn (Vegas's newest hotel/casino). Jim got pissed 'cuz we didn't know where to cross the street...

We finally make it.. Here it is, in all it's glory

Here are cool moving "parasols" inside the Wynn....

Here's Tony, Blair, Jon and Chris...

Here's Terry and Sharyl.... I wish it wasn't blurry..

This is quite possibly my favorite picture from the trip. Blair and Jon....

Nice face, Tony. I always have to talk during pictures! =(

Here's where we were most of the days: The Sports Book. The boys bet on sports and horse races..

Blair smoking and drinking.... Only in Vegas....

Jon loses on yet another horse race... But at least you get the free drink tickets =)

Dinner Buffet... Tony arrives first

Chris gets surprised by a Happy Birthday song from the restaurant staff...

Blair grinds Chris...

Getting ready to go out at night:

Chris and Ian have the same shirt...

Chris, Me, and Ian...

Sharyl and Ian

All of the boys... Tony, Jon, Chris, Ian, and Blair... Damn, my boyfriend is hot! =)

Chris and I.. Aww How cute...

These guys look a little drunk... Best Friends: Chris and Tony

Tony smoking a cigar... tsk tsk

The Next Morning:

Sharyl, Ian, Me, Chris, Blair and Tony.... Jon is passed out on the bed... He came home at 8:00am to 8:10am to change clothes, then back to the Crapps tables..

We are V.I.P.'s, yet we wait for 30 min to sit down for breakfast! =(

You can tell Jon hasn't slept for 28 hours..

Ian, Chris and I at breakfast...

Tony, hung over, orders Cream of Wheat for breakfast. Blair orders Chicken Fettucinni Alfredo... Haha

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