Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Less than Six Degrees

Most people accept that there are six degrees of separation between all of us. But somehow we are amazed to find seemingly random connections of 2 degrees or less. And even more amazing is the fragility of the strands that connect us. One difference in our decisions or one change in our game plan and those strings never would have met. But for some reason, fate perhaps, we did go to that place on that day and then here we are, connected to that person for eternity and to their friends, and their friends of friends, ...who ultimately end up being our friends. Here are a couple of connections that have amazed me in the past 24 hours.

1. I recently discovered that one of my oldest friends, a friend from preschool, happens to know my coworker's fiance. Both my preschool buddy and I are from Northern California, but have moved to Southern California to start our lives. My coworker is from Minnesota and her fiance is also a non-native to California. Somehow, he traveled to the mid-west, met my co-worker, began dating her, fell in love and is now marrying her in a month! She moved to California, and after competing for the same job at the same company, we both got hired, and now I find that they are both connected to my long-lost preschool buddy!

2. Three years ago, my sister was taking up fashion design as a hobby, which forced me into a volunteer modeling role for her. I modeled her clothes for a couple of fashion shows, the biggest being in San Francisco, complete with dozens of photographers at the end of a runway. Fast forward to today. I received and email from my boyfriend's sister. Her roommate was sending out emails for a promotional, marketing event. One of those "test drive our cars" type things. I happened to look at the company she was emailing from. I wouldn't have thought much of it, except that today I was reminiscing the modeling days. The very same Celebrity Marketing Events Company that this email came from was the host of the fashion show 4 years ago! The Fashion Show was their first birthday celebration. Now, a few years later, they are a very large successful company! And yet another connection: As I read the company bio, I saw that their creative department is headed by the one and only man that my ex boss worships. Almost a year ago, in my first job out of college, I worked for a marketing events company and my boss literally idolized this creative designer. He had worked with him on previous projects and used his expertise to launch the success of the company's largest event. I was shocked to come across this man's legendary name in a company bio! This last connection reminded me of one major lesson: NEVER burn bridges in the professional world, because everyone knows everyone.

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