Saturday, June 14, 2003

The Famdamn-ily

First, there's Marie, my aunt, my mom's sister. She's with my mom at a family reunion in Illinois right now. Some things about my family and their dumb reunions. My family, all looks alike, they are all bible-thumping lunatics. No joke. Craziness runs in the family, as well as believing everything the bible says. Good thing I have more sense (I think). My mom's uncle (my great-uncle) even has a cult in Colorado. Well, it's not a cult. It's one of those like hippie communs or that's just a front or something. Who knows...
And then there's Grace, my 13 year old cousin (Marie's daughter). She has changed a lot in 6 months, since I've last seen her. In January, she still looked like a kid. Today, she looks like a woman, well, with the exception of the braces and the 2 inch black eyeliner above and below each eye. Nothing else has changed, tho. She is still my shadow and follows me wherever I go. It's quite annoying. I've gotten her hooked to Myst (my fav. computer game at her age), but she doesn't like it as well as I did, and she makes me sit there and give her hints for it every 5 minutes! She's almost finished it. I don't know what I'll have her do when this is over. sigh She called. I have to go help her again. =( Now she's talking to me from the other room. Whatever. Everyday, she askes, "What are we doing today?" I'm like I dunno. I'm going to a movie, I don't know what you're doing! Haha kidding. She's 13 - too young to party. Plus, her mom said "No alcohol, no drugs, NO BOYS." So, that kinda kills all the fun.. Hehe kidding. I'm supposed to find a job, so I can't entertain her all day everyday. I told my mom this. Apparently, she's been grounded at home for a while from computer, TV, and phone, so she should be happy to have those privaledges. That doesn't help the fact that she's still leeching onto me.

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