Tuesday, December 16, 2003

A Collective Christmas

This year my mom broke her leg, which means that Christmas is pretty much up to me. To demonstrate in a small scale why this is a bad idea, I'll go through what our Christmas tree would be like if it were left entirely up to one family member:
If my Mom does the tree: There'd be a tiny tree, probably small enough to stand on a table, so she doesn't have to move any furniture around and she'd make us put all of our ornaments on, so that each limb has about 5 things hanging off it. There'd be multicolored lights, tinsel and an angel on top. This is convienent 'cuz all the presents can go not under the tree, but under the table, under the tree.
If my Dad did the tree: It'd be a 7 foot tall tree, one of those silver pines, where you can see most of the trunk. There'd be giant multicolored lights and some of our ornaments, no tinsel with a star on top. And the tree would be leaning to one side.
If I did the tree: The tree would be huge, touching the ceiling (16 feet tall) and it would have white lights, a silver star on top and nothing but silver balls and each strand of tinsel delicately placed on each limb. Oh, and nothing would be allowed under the tree unless it matched the color scheme (forest green and silver).
If my sister did the tree: There'd be no ornaments, no lights, no star or angel, no tree, even! And no presents either! In fact, there wouldn't even be Christmas if it were up to my sister. Instead, she'd go to Hawaii or Vegas without us.
This is why Christmas is a lovely time of year. Because all of our "creative" ideas are blended into one big joyful holiday! And we usually end up with a lopsided 8 foot tall tree with tinsel thrown haphazardly around, multicolored lights, all the ornaments, the star on top and gifts scattered around the base. It's the best (or worst) of all worlds and somehow, I guess, it works. =)

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