Monday, September 13, 2004

So, I'd been off work for a grand total of two days before I got bored out of my mind and almost went insane. I had such bad cabin fever that I almost took off for LA at 9 o'clock at night, but my boyfriend convinced me to wait til morning. So first thing on Labor Day morning, I drove to LA, and spent a week there. I helped the Witte's with a charity horse show a little bit, and swam in the pool a lot. And even swung at a few golf balls. I say swung at, 'cuz I missed most of them! And I taught Chris how to drive a stick. He was so good that it was sickening to remember how many times I stalled and how frustrated I got trying to learn!! And now I'm back in Berkeley for a couple days. I haven't even been here for a day and I'm already soo bored, wishing I was someplace else! =(

No pictures because my camera is in Santa Cruz, awaiting my arrival later this week.

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