Thursday, August 27, 2009

Worst Year of my Life

I am coming up on the anniversary of when things started to go wrong in my life. My sister once told me that she knew of someone who engraved a bracelet with a year on it. When asked what the year was, she said it was the worst year of her life and she wears it to remind her that everything since has to be better, because nothing can be worse than that year. I want to do this bracelet. And I thought well, it's more 2008-2009... My year started going awry almost exactly a year ago. But I suddenly got scared. I am hoping that my bad luck is restricted to a year, but what if it continues?

Then I remember there are so many things about this past year that have been good. Things I would never take back. Places I've gone, people I've met, etc. I guess that's what life is. You gotta take the bad with the good and sometimes one outweighs the other.

So, this upcoming anniversary (in a few days) is more of a New Years for me than Jan 1st was. I'm hoping for a healing of the past, and start of a new beginning. I know that's impossible to ask because it's not always so cut and dry, but with a deep breath, I still hope...

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