Sunday, November 30, 2003

Giving Thanks That I Was Born

Thanksgiving was a blast - the food was delicious! Then came my birthday. Since I arrived at the restaurant before my parents, I decided to order a Margarita for myself. I am 20, not 21, but the lady at the bar never asked. =) My mom came in and was like what the hell are you doing, then proceeded to drink the rest of my Margarita, which was probably a good thing, since I hadn't eaten all day and I'm already a light-weight. Anyway, as far as presents are concerned, I got a sexy silky slip from Victoria's Secret from my brother and sister-in-law, which is a step up from the usual gift of Old Navy socks or something. I liked it, but didn't look right on me, so I returned it. The rest of the weekend, I wrote an econ paper and played cards. I used to be the undefeated champion at Gin, but at least I'm still undefeated at Poker with family and friends. (Note: This does not apply to the Texas Hold 'Em I play in the dorms, 'cuz I lose everytime while playing that ridiculous game of luck!)

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