Saturday, November 15, 2003

Speeding and other such stories

This year sucks. I love driving fast, tailgating people, (yea, so basically I'm a "negligent" driver). I actually think I drive pretty well, but that's my opinion. My first point was about 3 years ago (why won't you go away?!) for accidentally rear-ending someone. It was at a really low speed (like 5 mph), but he made me report it! Then this year, in January, a cop followed me all the way down Hwy 17, watching a waiting. I needed to exit the freeway, so I pulled in behind someone when there was lots of traffic, and the cop tickets me for tailgating! I took that point off my record by doing traffic school. Then, the first day of school this year, in Sept, I got a ticket for speeding past the main entrance of campus. 40 in a 25 zone! No way to contest, couldn't do traffic school, so that is point number 2. This morning, heading to work, didn't even need to take my car. And was only in my car for like 3 minutes, I got caught in a speed trap, where Bay St. makes you speed up at the last little part right before turning into a 25 mph zone. I got stamped with a 45 in a 30 and I cried, but no luck. This is my 3rd point. I think my liscense is going to get revoked! I'm scared.

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